Paul Kagame
President of Rwanda
President of the Year
President Kagame's leadership has been instrumental in fostering reconciliation and national unity in Rwanda. Following the tragic genocide in 1994, he focused on rebuilding the social fabric of the country and promoting reconciliation between different ethnic groups. President Kagame's government-initiated, community-based justice systems, known as Gacaca courts, which aimed to bring perpetrators and victims together in a process of truth-telling and healing has contributed to the reconciliation and healing process in Rwanda, fostering social cohesion and stability.
Furthermore, President Kagame has been recognized for his commitment to good governance and anti-corruption efforts. His government has implemented measures to improve transparency, accountability, and efficiency in public institutions. Rwanda has consistently ranked highly in global indices assessing corruption and governance, which has helped to attract investment and build confidence in the country's institutions.
Following Libya, Senegal and DR Congo, Rwanda is Africa’s fourth fastest growing economy and has reduced the poverty level from 75.2% to about 40% in 2023. This is a result of President Kagame’s innovative National Strategy Transformation (NST) which focuses on promoting transformation in the country through three priorities: 1) economic transformation, 2) social transformation and 3) transformational governance.
Through various health reforms and massive investments in healthcare, Rwanda’s mortality rate has declined sharply over the last 20 years. During COVID-19, Rwanda was recognized for efficiency in vaccine distribution and successful patient treatment. President Kagame’s Rwanda has achieved a feat in its fight against cancer and remains one of the only two African nations to achieve all of its Health Millennium Development Goals, simultaneously making tremendous investments in education and infrastructure.
With the slogan "we must treat agriculture as a business and not just a substantive activity,” President Kagame executed a dynamic shift for the agricultural sector of Rwanda. There have been great improvements and investments in quality seeds, irrigation, fertilizer, and mechanized agriculture. Rwanda has nearly attained food sufficiency and almost broken free from the shackles of food Importation. Rwanda's 2022 agricultural export sales increased by 45%, to over $788.7M from $543.1M in 2021 worth of $543.1 and is projected to achieve complete agricultural sufficiency by 2025.
President Kagame's leadership has undeniably left a profound impact on Rwanda. One of the greatest national accomplishments is Rwanda’s inclusion of women in national politics. His strategic vision, dedication to development and focus on national unity have propelled the country forward. Rwanda's economic growth, improved infrastructure, enhanced education and healthcare systems, and reconciliation efforts are all testaments to the transformative leadership of President Kagame. While challenges remain, his tenure has laid a strong foundation for Rwanda's continued progress and has inspired other African nations to strive for similar achievements.